Did you know that one out of every six adults in the US suffers from chronic headaches? It’s hard to get things done and enjoy life when you’ve got constant headache pain. SkillBites is pleased to announce its most recent publication, Eliminate Your Headaches in Less Than 30 Days, by Dr. John Anderson. This book looks at the various causes of headache pain and provides an array of natural treatments to dramatically reduce, if not eliminate, headache pain in just a month.

Headaches can result from many different causes, which is why treatment plans that generally address headaches are unlikely to be effective. Dr. Anderson explains that most headaches result from one of three causes: diet, bad posture and past injuries. Many people cannot process certain foods, such as aged cheese and red wine, so when they eat those foods, they get a headache. Staying away from such foods can decrease their headache frequency and pain level or even eliminate them.

With the explosive growth of computers and texting on cell phones, many more people are suffering from headaches as a result of leaning forward for long periods of time, a condition referred to as Forward Head Posture, or FHP. This causes muscle stress in the neck muscles, which can cause headaches.

Many people don’t realize that an injury such as a fender bender that doesn’t cause any pain at the time may be the culprit behind the headaches they begin to experience months later. Dr. Anderson himself incurred an injury that, about a year later, resulted in his experiencing an ever-increasing frequency of headaches. 

Dr. Anderson describes many types of headaches and the characteristics of each. Then he explains why the typical treatment plan doesn’t work (and in fact can lead to other ailments) before delving into a holistic approach to eliminating headaches, without popping pain pills. He provides a lengthy list of alternatives to try, from chiropractic adjustments to dietary changes, supplements, and stretches. If you know anyone who suffers from chronic headaches, consider getting them a gift they will thank you for for a long time. Just click here to purchase Dr. Anderson’s book.
