Ever feel like you are stuck, that your job doesn’t provide fulfillment or meaning for you? Alexandra Figueredo talked in this month’s SkillBites Show on how you can find your mission and bring meaning back into your life.

Alexandra is the founder of Mission Based Branding Institute, which helps mission-driven entrepreneurs get clear about their mission, create a brand that stands out, and share their message with a greater audience. She’s worked with startups and small businesses as well as Fortune-500 level organizations. She’s written bestselling books Sculpt Your Life From Sketch To Masterpiece and Wake Up Women: Shift Your Beliefs To Get What You Want (with fellow internationally-renowned co-authors Sharon Lechter and Dame DC Cordova).

Finding your mission starts with determining what you are passionate about; what brings you joy or fulfillment. Ask yourself what you have done in the past that you have most enjoyed. Then ask who you love to work with, or want to serve. Another way to find your mission is to ask what you would want to do with your life if money weren’t a factor. Assume you have won the lottery, so you don’t need any money; or that you could receive the compensation you desire for whatever you choose to do. What would you want to do?

When you identify an area that helps others that you are passionate about, you will find much greater satisfaction and meaning in your life. If you’d like any assistance with finding your mission, Alexandra offered a 30 minute one-on-one clarity consultation. Just email her at Alexandra@missionbasedbranding.com to request your clarity consultation.
