The moment you've been waiting for is here!
Now that your book is completed and published, it’s time for the world to know what you’ve written. After all, if virtually no one knows about your book, it won’t help you nearly as much. SkillBites offers a variety of marketing and PR packages which allows you to showcase your newly published book. We can help you decide what would be best for you to achieve your goals.
We give you:
Ultimate Done for You Launch Package
The Ultimate Done For You Launch Package comes with all the customized marketing assets you’ll need to make the most of your book and leverage this powerful product, plus resources and support to continue to build your income, audience and influence.
- Deep dive strategy session to align your business goals with your book launch goals and give you insider tactics to leverage your book
- Social media presence assessment and strategy to boost your online presence
- Access to 15+ book marketing websites that have tens of thousands of followers – plus how to use them effectively
- Launch Team Marketing Strategy & Templates to build your Launch Team now and for any future launches
- Done For You Influencer Emails – custom emails written for you that make it easy for you to get the word out to thousands of eager readers
- Done For You Influencer Social Media Package Posts & Images – custom branded for your book, and custom written for each social media platform. Use these powerful social media assets for your launch and in your evergreen marketing strategies to build your audience and drive sales
- PR with Podcasts – we’ll research the best podcasts for you to promote your work and your book, plus give you our podcast hot pitch template to help you effectively create relationships with podcast hosts, and we’ll make warm introductions to podcast hosts in our network whenever possible
- Ongoing support from your Launch specialist throughout the process
- Resources and best practices to market your book and have a successful launch
The Jump-Start Book Promotion Campaign
The Jump Start Book Promotion Campaign consists of a 6-Week campaign with the following elements:
- It begins with an in-depth analysis of the book and coaching to help the author establish a long-lasting presence for the book, author brand, and expertise (if applicable).
- A book publicist is assigned who works closely with the client to establish a campaign strategy (with campaign activity ideally beginning one month in advance of the title’s publication date), overall goals, pitching angles and targets, etc.
- We upload the book to NetGalley, a community where 200,000+ librarians, bloggers, educators, booksellers and media.
- After the author completes an in-depth questionnaire, we write press materials and then pitch multiple angles to reach our vast and well-established network of local, regional and national scope print (newspaper and magazine), broadcast (television and radio) and online (blogs, e-zines, etc.) media outlets. Media targets are highly personalized and specifically tailored to reach contacts who cover areas of interest which pertain to the book and/or author’s background, as well as relevant industry/trade media. Our lists are also constantly evolving to reflect new markets/angles we identify to be tapped into.
- We work closely with the author to brainstorm and pitch op-ed and byline article pieces, which we work to “place” with top-tier media (with credit to the author – ideally alongside their book title and purchasing information).
- The publicist collaborates with the client on multiple pitching angles, ideas, tie ins to breaking news stories, etc., and personally pitches media via various methods – e-mail, phone, mail – depending on media preference. The publicist sends books and press material to interested media, arranges media opportunities, and works with author’s schedule. The publicist also performs aggressive and ongoing follow-up efforts to bring forward media feedback and encourage coverage plans. Depending on the book and author preferences, the media contacted may include radio and TV shows, newspapers and magazines, and online outlets, reviewers, bloggers, etc.
- The publicist handles all media relations and fields all media inquiries.
- Based on the nature of the project, target markets, author availability, and client priorities, the publicist can assist in:
- Researching and contacting book stores/venues for potential book signing events, OR
- Researching and pitching to select book clubs for potential reading consideration OR
- Researching appropriate, genre-specific book bloggers to pitch and set up a virtual book ‘blog tour.’
- The author will receive weekly written updates detailing the outreach activities, expressions of interest from the media/book requests, and plans for the following week, so the client knows exactly what is happening at all times. Links to media coverage, when available, are also included in these reports.
- When the campaign ends, we provide the client with a campaign summary and contact details for media contacts who expressed interest for further follow up.
The Comprehensive Book Promotion Campaign
The Comprehensive Book Promotion Campaign consists of the same elements as the Jump Start Book Promotion Campaign, but it lasts for 3 months. In a longer campaign, we have the ability to pitch more angles, articles, trends, etc., and conduct further follow up to encourage interest to coverage. A six-week campaign is not considered a full-scale campaign, but can be an effective way to kick-start visibility for a new book, gauge media interest, and provide the author with contacts to continue media outreach.
Two Bestseller Book Campaign Programs
With the Bestseller Coaching Program, you will be registered to receive a 12-month program in which you will learn what it means to be a bestselling author and how to achieve it, how to use social media, PR, and other tools to get noticed, and much more. You will have access to a series of 12 tutorials, as well as Q&A postings, be eligible to attend monthly group coaching sessions, and have unlimited access via email to ask your questions.
The Done For You Bestseller Campaign consists of getting your book to be a bestseller on Amazon, and includes the following services:
- Conducting a social media campaign (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, etc.), using images, tweets, and hash tags
- Optimizing your book on Amazon with the right key words, categories and description of your book, and an appealing author page
- Developing a landing page for people to buy your book
- Sending out an email blast to your mailing list
- Unlimited consultation during the campaign.
Interested in learning how to promote your book yourself?
Take the SkillBites Publish It! Course. You’ll gain an understanding of how to optimize your book on Amazon, and learn many free and low cost ways to promote your book as well as how to leverage your book. For more information on the course, click the button: