June '24 Newsletter  

Boosting Book Sales: Tips for Marketing Your Book

In this newsletter, you can read about several ways to promote your book. You put a lot of time and effort into writing your book. While your book may be a good tool for you, it can be even more powerful when you promote it. Read below to learn how you can easily create eye-catching images, obtain an Author One-Sheet, promote your book to libraries, get more book reviews and leverage book promotion sites.

Last month, I received a promotion to Sifu (or instructor) in Tai Chi Chuan. I’ve been practicing tai chi for over 5 years. It is a great stress reliever, as well as a health booster and an enjoyable activity. If you haven’t tried it yet, just know that it does take a couple months to feel comfortable doing it. It’s awkward and hard to begin with, but it gets easier and more fun once you know some of the basic moves.

As I’ve done in previous years, I will be taking the summer off from writing my newsletter and from producing my podcast. I’m not sure yet whether I’ll continue with it in September. If you are finding the newsletter and/or podcast worthwhile, let me know – email me at judy@skillbites.net. If I get enough people emailing me about them, I’ll consider resuming them.

1. Unless Your Book's Potential

Even the best written books don’t do very well without marketing. If few people know about your book, then your book won’t help you very much. And yet, it’s hard to afford marketing, until now.

My friends at Adazing, developers of the Mockup Shots app, have just announced an amazing deal on this software. The software allows you to create stunning images of your book, as well as short video trailers, animated GIFs, humorous memes, fancy testimonials and more in just seconds! It’s easy to use, and has recently been updated to include even more features.

For a limited time, you can acquire LIFETIME ACCESS to this program for just $67 – 70% off its regular price!! To access this terrific deal, click here or go to https://bit.ly/3t0rs87

2. The Author One-Sheet: Why you need one

An author one-sheet can be an invaluable asset in the competitive publishing world, helping writers promote themselves and their work effectively. This simple but effective document provides an author with an outline of themselves and their book in one concise document. It includes details like your bio, book synopsis, testimonials/endorsements, awards or accolades won, your photo, book cover image and contact info - essential promotional tools in the writer's arsenal.

Having one can help authors stand out among an already oversaturated market place. It can be used to:

  • Pitch agents/publishers/media;
  • Obtain speaking engagements, guest podcast appearances or media appearances; 
  • Pitch your books at bookstores, libraries or writing conferences where agents and publishers look forward to finding all necessary details easily; 
  • Ensure both you and your book remain memorable to those whom you meet, including publishers, agents and potential readers
  • Include as a digital download from your website; and
  • Help build and solidify your brand
  • An author one-sheet is an indispensable tool for any writer seeking to advance their career or reach more readers/viewers!

    SkillBites offers the opportunity to have a professional author one-sheet created for just $175. If interested, email me at judy@skillbites.net.

    3. Getting Your Book Into Libraries

    I belong to an organization called Independent Book Publishers Association, that is offering its members the opportunity to have their clients’ books promoted to librarians. The IBPA sends out monthly eBlasts to over 5000 librarians, with only 15 books promoted in each eBlast. The July eBlasts are already sold out, but there are a few spaces left in the August eBlast to College and Academic Libraries, and the September eBlasts to Elementary School Libraries, Middle and High School Libraries and Public Libraries.

    The deadline to sign up is June 14, and the cost is $250 for each eBlast.

    There is also an option to do a customized email of just your book that would go to 20,000+ librarians. The price for that is $2600. 

    Let me know before June 14 if you are interested in these options.

    4. SkillBites' Podcast

    In last month’s episode, I provided a short video showing how to add A+ content to a book detail page on Amazon. A+ content is Amazon’s latest innovation, allowing authors to add content to their book’s detail page on Amazon that will attract more readers to purchase their book. I also included an article on the value of adding A+ content in last month’s newsletter.

    To listen to this episode, click here.

    During the past several months, I’ve covered a wide variety of topics in my podcast:

    • Amazon’s A+ Content Feature
    • Astrology and how knowing the moon cycles can help you launch your book
    • Create a micro-course to help sell more copies of your book
    • De-clutter your life
    • Optimize your publishing meta data to increase book sales
    • Build a website for your book to amplify your book’s visibility
    • Create a quality pitch to get speaking engagements
    • Optimize your book to boost sales
    • Demo of Mockup Shots to create amazing images, GIFs and video trailers for your book
    • Demo of QuickWrite to accelerate your book writing as well as writing emails, speeches, social media and other content
    • How to get guest appearances on podcasts
    • How to get sponsorships to pay for publishing your book
    • How to crowdfund your book

    To access any of these and earlier episodes, click here

    5. Book Promotion Services

    As I’ve covered in prior newsletters, getting customer reviews on Amazon for your book is a critical component of selling more copies of your book. Amazon doesn’t make it easy to get customer reviews, however.

    As I’ve covered in prior newsletters, getting customer reviews on Amazon for your book is a critical component of selling more copies of your book. Amazon doesn’t make it easy to get customer reviews, however.

    6. Tip of the Month: Strategies for marketing and promoting your book:  Step 6 - Leverage Book Promotion Sites

    Last month, I delved into the fifth strategy for marketing and promoting your business book: utilizing content marketing. By utilizing content marketing strategies, you can effectively create awareness about your book and build a thriving community of loyal readers. If you missed reading about how to implement this strategy or any of the earlier marketing strategies, you can find the newsletters on the SkillBites website by clicking here or go to the Resources tab at www.skillbites.net and click on Newsletters.

    This month looks at another key aspect of an author’s marketing strategy: leveraging book promotion sites and platforms. In today's competitive publishing landscape, authors need to be proactive in promoting their books to reach a wider audience. One effective way to achieve this is by leveraging book promotion sites and platforms. These platforms can help authors gain exposure, generate sales, and build a loyal fan base. In this article, I will share how authors can effectively utilize book promotion sites to maximize their book's reach.Book promotion sites and platforms are online platforms that are specifically designed to promote books to a targeted audience. These platforms have a wide user base of book lovers, avid readers, and potential customers who are actively searching for new books to read. By utilizing these platforms, authors can tap into this captive audience and increase their book's visibility. Here are some key strategies to leverage book promotion sites effectively:

    • Choose the Right Platform: There are various book promotion sites available, each with its own unique features, audience, and pricing plans. Authors need to research and select the platforms that align with their book's genre, target audience, and budget. Some popular book promotion sites include BookBub, Goodreads, Kindle Nation Daily, and Ereader News Today. It is crucial to consider reader demographics, the platform's reach, and user engagement when making a decision.
    • Plan Ahead: To effectively leverage book promotion sites, authors should plan their promotion strategy well in advance. Many sites have limited spots and require bookings weeks or even months ahead of time. It is important to carefully read submission guidelines, understand the platform's requirements, and submit the book for consideration within the specified timeframe.
    • Utilize Discounts and Deals: Book promotion sites often offer discounted or free promotions for a limited time. Authors can take advantage of these promotional options to attract more readers and potential buyers. Offering a discounted eBook version for a limited time can entice readers to try out a new author and potentially lead to more positive reviews, increased visibility, and long-term success.
    • Maximize Visibility with Eye-catching Cover Art and Compelling Blurbs: First impressions matter, particularly when it comes to books. Having an eye-catching book cover that stands out among other promotional listings is key to capturing readers' attention. Additionally, a well-crafted and compelling blurb that accurately reflects the book's content can help generate interest and entice potential readers to click through and learn more.
    • Encourage Reader Engagement and Reviews: Positive reviews significantly impact a book's success. Authors should encourage readers to leave reviews on book promotion sites, as well as on other popular platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Goodreads. Engaging with readers by responding to comments and building relationships can lead to loyal fans who are more likely to recommend the book to others.

    Apart from book promotion sites, authors should explore other marketing opportunities to widen their audience. These may include author interviews, guest blog posts, social media campaigns, virtual author events, newsletters, and collaborations with influencers or other authors in the same genre. A comprehensive marketing strategy that incorporates book promotion sites alongside other marketing initiatives can help authors reach a larger pool of potential readers.

    In sum, book promotion sites and platforms can be powerful tools for authors to reach a wider audience, increase sales, and build a strong author brand. By carefully selecting the right platforms, planning ahead, utilizing discounts, maximizing visibility, encouraging reader engagement, and exploring additional marketing opportunities, authors can effectively leverage book promotion sites and platforms to boost their book's visibility and success.

    Thanks for supporting SkillBites. If there is anything you think we ought to be doing better or anything we should be doing that we’re not, please let us know. We value your input.

    Have a wonderful summer!

